Emmanuel Gentinetta: Youngest and
fastest man in history to mountain bike Personal data Born:
June 18, 1981 The project in his own words:On
March 19, 1999 after
almost a year of planning
and preparation
Emmanuel Gentinetta and
Nolan Lamb released
the following press
Date: March 19, 1999Contact: Emmanuel Gentinetta / Nolan Lamb
Let us inform you of an adventure on which we will embark. We want the public as well as commercial businesses to know about our trip in order to give them an opportunity to support the adventurous spirit of American youth. We plan to travel from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, via mountain bikes. That means we will be riding over 15,600 miles along the Pan American Highway on our bicycles. In order to complete the trip in the time we desire, our goal is to average approximately 67 miles per day. This should be sufficient calculating in rest days, or days when more miles are covered or less are completed. Upon completion of our endeavor, we will become the youngest people to bike that route. We will both be eighteen during the trip. We will fly to Alaska on June 22, 1999 and begin our journey on June 24, 1999. We plan to devote nine to ten months for our trip, thus we have decided to delay our college entrance by one year. We are both honor students ranking in the top ten percentile of our Senior class at Summerville High School in Tuolumne County. We will both graduate from Summerville High School on June 11, 1999. We are well aware of the challenges that will inevitably present themselves along the way. To ensure that there are as few conflicts as possible we would like to come very well prepared with only the most reliable equipment to help us achieve our goal. That is the reason for us to contact you at this time. We are not part of any team nor are we doing this trip to profit financially in any way or for any special recognition. However, the media has already shown interest and crews from as far as Argentina have already scheduled to be in Alaska for our departure and cover the trip along the entire way. Any support that YOU may give us will be greatly appreciated. Please contact us as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and please take this with special consideration. Sincerely,
Nolan Lamb
Bike It SoloFor the rest of the story go to: The Reports |
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